Evidence the value and impact of your volunteers

Clinks have recently developed an evaluation toolkit, specifically for VCS organisations working within the Criminal Justice System and who involve volunteers in their work.

The toolkit, which is available online at www.clinks.org/publications/guides-resources/vol-eval-kit, will enable organisations to evidence the value and impact of volunteering and the difference it is making to the lives of service users, volunteers and staff.

Clinks have now organised a series of free training sessions related to the tool kit. The nearest sessions to the East Midlands are:

  • Wednesday 1 May, 10am-12.30pm, Birmingham
  • Wednesday 1 May, 1.30pm-4pm, Birmingham
  • Thursday 16 May, 10am-12.30pm, Manchester
  • Thursday 16 May, 1.30pm-4pm, Manchester

To apply for a place on any of these sessions complete the online booking form at www.surveymonkey.com/s/volimpacttraining indicating which session you want to attend.