“Very small, very quiet, a whisper…” BME groups: voice and influence

Taking place on Tuesday 21 January from 12noon to 2pm, Phil Ware will present and discusses his Working Paper “Very small, very quiet, a whisper…” BME groups: voice and influence at the Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Both funding cuts and policy changes have influenced the impact that the BME VCS groups can have. Based upon recent research findings into BME VCS organisations, this seminar will present the shared view that whilst there is a distinct BME sector, its voice and influence are limited. However, findings also identify considerable resistance by BME VCS organisations to perceived adverse policies.

Much can be learned from this seminar for the VCS as a whole, and for statutory organisations, funders and policy makers.

Registration is not required for this free event. For further information email c.butt@tsrc.ac.uk.

To download the working paper visit www.birmingham.ac.uk/generic/tsrc/research/below-the-radar/black-minority-ethnic-groups-voice-and-influence.aspx.
