Measuring the effectiveness of campaigns

The charity sector does not do enough to measure whether its campaigning achieves its goals, according to Closing in on Change: Measuring the effectiveness of your campaign, a report published by think tank NPC.

The report highlights that while impact measurement is gaining traction in some parts of the sector, the think tank’s conversations with campaigning charities have made them aware that many do not measure the impact of their campaigns because they lack the time and expertise.

NPC suggest that by measuring the success of campaigns charities will be in a better position to justify resources spent on campaigning.  

NPC produced a four step guide for measuring campaigning change:

  1. Identify the goal of their campaign
  2. Prioritise the data that is collected and measured
  3. Settle on the level of evidence needed to evaluate the success of a campaign
  4. Select the tools needed to evaluate the campaign.

To download the report visit

NPC has also published Campaigning for social change, a briefing aimed at trustees explaining campaigning rules. To download the briefing visit