Appointment of D2N2 LEP Board representative

The new VCS representative has been appointed to the D2N2 LEP Board.  Following Rob Crowder's retirement after serving his two-year term on the Board, we are delighted to report that Sylvia Green has been appointed as the new VCS representative, with Helen Kearsley-Cree as her deputy.

Sylvia Green has worked within the voluntary and community sector in Derbyshire since 1991 and is currently the CEO of Rural Action Derbyshire.   Rural Action Derbyshire is committed to developing dynamic partnerships within the VCS which maximise the impact of the sector and enable the sector to contribute to wider agendas including that of economic growth.  Sylvia said ” I am pleased to be chosen to represent the voluntary and community sector on D2N2 as I believe we have a great deal to offer both in terms of reach into disadvantaged communities and collaborative ways of working.   I can be contacted on 01629 592971 or “

Helen Kearsley-Cree has worked in the voluntary and community sector since 1994 and is currently CEO of Nottingham CVS, which is a local voluntary sector infrastructure organisation. Nottingham CVS core business is to support the growth and stability of the voluntary and community sector, create the best environment for volunteering activity to flourish and support all forms of social action. Facilitating networks for voice and representation underpins this work. Helen said, “I have been actively working alongside Sylvia for the past year, seeking to develop ways by which the sector across the D2N2 area plays a full and active role in economic development. Sylvia is highly skilled and well positioned to ensure that this representative role and partnership working are meaningful for our sector. I am thrilled to be appointed as Sylvia’s deputy. Please contact me on 01159348401 or".

For more information about the D2N2 LEP, please visit our webpage: 
