Update on HealthWatch tenders

Five Local authorities have publicised Health Watch establishment tenders, with the budget allocations vary between local authorities. We have publicised below tenders that we have accessed so far. 


Local authority




Derbyshire County Council


Derbyshire County Council is appealing for people to become members of an executive board which will oversee and lead Healthwatch Derbyshire’s development to be up and running by 1 April 2013. Healthwatch executive board member duties will include, to:

• Develop a delivery plan and approve and manage budget and resources

• Recruit a staff group and volunteers who reflect the needs of the service and work closely with them to carry out board functions

* Attend meetings with a variety of health and social care commissioners and stakeholders to represent public views

• Prepare, approve and assess a range of projects, research and reports to help Healthwatch fulfil its role

• Make sure information is regularly issued to the public

3 December

Leicestershire County Council

£1,375, 000

3 year contract for April 2013 to March 2016. To give citizens and communities a stronger voice  to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided within their locality.

In this present instance, ESPO is acting on the specific behalf of Leicestershire County Council to appoint an organisation to be the new independent consumer champion for both Health and Social Care across Leicestershire, named “Healthwatch Leicestershire” (HWL). This organisation will be independent of the local authority and will provide a number of services to the local community in relation to health and social care services that is able to employ its own staff and involve volunteers, so it can become the influential and effective voice of the public. Providing accountability through annual reports available to the public. The objective of Healthwatch Leicestershire will be to give citizens and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided within their locality.

4 December

Leicester City Council

£1,194, 000

Leicester City Council is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations wishing to tender for the provision of Healthwatch Leicester.

 The Health and Social Care Act 2012, states that the body contracted to be the local Healthwatch must be a ‘body corporate’ (i.e. a legal entity), which is a social enterprise, employ its own staff and manage its own finances.    

11 December

Nottinghamshire County Council

£434, 000

The appointed provider will establish a Local Healthwatch Company to be known as Healthwatch Nottinghamshire which will be an independent ‘body corporate’ delivering statutory functions as required under the Health and Social Care Act (2012)

16 November

Nottingham City Council

£480, 000

Nottingham City Council is seeking a host to establish and deliver a local healthwatch. The over-riding principle of Healthwatch Nottingham is one of enabling local residents and service users, especially those seldom heard, to have their say in shaping health and social care services in the city. Healthwatch Nottingham will be membership led with an independent board that leads and directs activities undertaken by the host organisation. The host will act as an effective co-ordinating and delivery organisation for Healthwatch Nottingham.

31 January