Update from Regional Voices

Regional Voices, the voluntary sector strategic partner of the Department of Health of which One East Midlands is one of nine members, has produced a new flyer explaining their role and, ahead of the launch of their new website in the new year, have updated their news pages at www.regionalvoices.net/page/2/?cat=3 to contain only news that might be of interest to VCS organisations working in the health and social care field.

The updated news pages include a link to a letter from Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive Designate of Public Health England, on the value of the voluntary sector in public health. To read the letter visit www.regionalvoices.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Duncan-Selbie-PHE-on-the-vol-sector.pdf. To read the new Regional Voices flyer visit One East Midlands new Regional Voices webpage at www.oneeastmidlands.org.uk/regionalvoices.