Opportunity for CCGs to work with VCSE

Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) have great potential to deliver improved health outcomes for their communities by building effective community involvement in commissioning, and have indicated that their commitment to engagement with VCS organisations is a significant aspect of doing this in a meaningful and effective way.

The NHS Commissioning Board, together with Department of Health, NAVCA and Social Enterprise UK now wish to work with up to 12 CCGs to form programme of learning sites across England to develop, highlight and support best practice; enable local partners to innovate local solutions and to spread best practice amongst other CCGs.

They are now inviting expressions of interest in taking part in this work, which offers an opportunity to develop a learning programme designed to maximise the potential of collaboration between CCGs and local VCSE organisations to improve health in local communities.

CCGs that come forward, with their local partners, to take part will be able to describe the support they would like to receive in order to realise their aspirations, ensure their success and share their learning with others.

The programme will support VCSE and commissioners to build mutual trust and understanding in order to jointly develop practical approaches that make a real difference locally.

For further information, including to download an expression of interest form, visit www.commissioningboard.nhs.uk/2012/11/27/health-partners. Completed forms should be returned by email to healthpartnerships@navca.org.uk by 14 December.