First mandate to NHS Commissioning Board

The Department of Health has published the first mandate to the NHS Commissioning Board, providing the long-term direction for the NHS.

The mandate sets out a number of objectives for the NHS and reaffirms the Government’s commitment to preserving its founding principles, laid out in the NHS Constitution, of a comprehensive service for all, based on clinical need and not ability to pay or background.

For the first time, success will be measured by how well the NHS achieves the things important to people. Following consultation with the public, health professionals and organisations across the health system, the final version of the mandate:

  • Sets a clear vision and long-term agenda for transforming the NHS to improve outcomes
  • Is structured around the domains of the NHS outcomes framework
  • Places a stronger focus on outcomes and sets ambitions to be amongst the best in Europe based on what people say matters to them
  • Is short and simple to make the document clearer and more accessible.

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