Online tools to improve health, care and wellbeing

The NHS Commissioning Board is looking for good examples of online tools to help people improve their health and wellbeing to be included in the directory of online tools it is creating to help people find the best online tool for their condition or health need. 

People and organisations who are designing online tools for specific conditions or health areas are invited to submit these for consideration for the directory, which aims to be a trusted listing of online health and care tools, all of which will be accessible from mobile devices or PCs.

The tools will help people access good information to make choices about their health and care by enabling them to input their own health details to receive personalised information and then share this with their clinicians or care staff if they choose to do so.

Revealed at Innovation Expo in March 2013, the first version of the directory of online tools will showcase the best customer focused innovation in health and care and feature in the exhibition’s App Zone.

For further information, including how to get involved with the directory, visit or email