Public health campaign resource centre

Recently launched, the online Campaign Resource Centre aims to provide a one-stop shop for all Department of Health public health resources for anyone who works directly with the public.

Keeping up to date with the latest campaign news, the centre will provide users with access to the leaflets, posters, adverts and toolkits available to support the campaigns.

The Department of Health public health campaigns aim to help people:

  • Become engaged with their own health and well-being
  • Understand how their lifestyle choices impact on their current and future health outcomes and, in the case of parents, their children’s health outcomes
  • Obtain sound advice about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle
  • Access appropriate services, products and tools to help them change their behaviour.

Each campaign section offers a summary of the public health campaign together with all the resources available to support it.

To access the centre, including to subscribe to regular updates, visit