NHS Commissioning Board online tool directory

From this April the NHS Commissioning Board will have responsibility for the budget of the NHS in England, using this and working through local clinical commissioning groups it will work to improve health and care for everyone and help people get the outcomes they really want.

As part of this, they are working with the Department of Health, Public Health England and Social Care to scope out what people really want from a single website covering all aspects of health and care.

The first part of this will be the development of an online tools directory, providing a trusted listing of online health tools for people and care professionals that help improve health and care outcomes.

They would now like you to take a look at the test online tools directory at http://toolsdirectory.nhs.uk, download an app or tool and rate them on the site. You will also be able to give your feedback on the site as a whole. This will help the NHS Commissioning Board develop the site before it is launched at the Healthcare Innovation Expo show in March.

For further information email tools.feedback@nhs.net.