New Director General for Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships

Jon Rouse has been confirmed as the new Director General for Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships at the Department of Health.

His responsibilities will include:

  • Policies on care and support for adults
  • The department’s relationship with local government across all of health and care
  • Mental health
  • Disability
  • Health equalities
  • Health services for children

Jon Rouse is currently Chief Executive of the London Borough of Croydon. He has held a number of civil service roles and was previously Chief Executive at both the Housing Corporation and the Commission for Architecture and the Build Environment. Jon has held a wide range of non-executive positions with organisations including English Partnerships and Homelessness International, and was a non-executive director on the Department of Health’s Board until 2010.

His appointment is for a period of four years, and he is expected to take up the post in March 2013.

Other new appointments announced during January include Dr Rashmi Shukla as Regional Director for the Midlands and East of England and Dr David Walker as Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health. In addition, Professor Kevin Fenton has now started in his role as Director of Health Improvement and Population Health and Richard Gleave as Chief Operating Officer.