2013/14 NHS Standard Contract

Through an extensive programme of engagement, the insight of commissioners and providers has helped to create a new and different kind of NHS Standard Contract for 2013/14 and beyond. While continuing to provide a robust legal framework to hold providers of NHS funded care to account in the delivery of safe, high quality patient care, the 2013/14 contract also signals a new direction in the contracting of NHS services.

A wide range of stakeholders described the need for a simpler, more concise contract that is easier to use. To achieve this, the contract has been re-structured, to create a three-part structure to replace the previous five-part structure. This new approach will be supplemented by the introduction of an ā€˜eā€™ version of the contract. The ā€˜eā€™-Contract will enable commissioners to tailor the standard contract to suit the services, provider and commissioning model they are adopting.

The contract is for use by commissioners when commissioning healthcare services (other than those commissioned under primary care contracts) and is adaptable for use for a broad range of services and delivery models.

Responsibility for the preparation and publication of the contract has now passed from the DH to the NHS Commissioning Board. In line with this change, the contract is no longer on the DH website and instead is now available from the NHS Commissioning Board website at www.commissioningboard.nhs.uk/nhs-standard-contract.