Healthwatch-Communities Involved

Four national charities, including Regional Voices, CVS, NAVCA and National Voices have joined forces to raise awareness amongst community groups, volunteers and local people about how they can have a greater role in their local Healthwatch.

Healthwatch-Communities Involved is a three month drive to encourage people to have a greater say on how health and social care services are run in their areas, encouraging them to declare their support and interest by joining a map of groups and individuals in England who are ready to help shape these services.

For further information, including how to register your interest, visit

Over the coming months the project will deliver a range of activities to raise awareness encourage a more diverse range of local people and organisations to get involved in their local Healthwatch and the health and social care system, including:

  • A series of workshops across the country to inspire and provide people with the skills and knowledge to get involved in a way that best suits them, as well as providing the chance to meet and discuss issues with other people interested in shaping local health and social care services.
  • Free training for local Healthwatch members and potential members, including sessions on engagement, leadership, roles, responsibilities and equalities
  • A range of free materials and resources for you to adapt and share with your members
  • The website to make it easy for people to sign up for more information about shaping local services including the new local Healthwatch.

They will also work with the new health, social care and voice organisations to make the map known and help them reach out to involve the people on it.

You can get involved with the project by:

  • Encouraging your members to sign up at the website for more information and to get themselves on the map. Healthwatch-Communities Involved will keep their details on file and ensure that they are kept informed of developments through themselves or their local Healthwatch
  • Download their resources and use them with their own groups, networks or members
  • Read their bulletins and updates and share them with their members
  • Check out their website for information about their events to learn more.