New funding reforms announced for care and support

The Government has announced new measures for funding care to ensure that the elderly and those with disabilities get the care they need without facing unlimited costs.

The new measures, based on the recommendations made in 2011 by the Dilnot Commission, an independent panel set up to look at the fairest and most sustainable way to fund care and support in England, include from April 2017:

  • A cap on care costs, which gives everyone the reassurance that they will have a level of protection, if they have the most serious needs and incur very high care costs.
  • New financial protection for those with modest wealth. People with the least will get the most support.

In addition, from April 2015:

  • No one will have to sell their home in their lifetime to pay for residential care. If people cannot afford their fees without selling their home, they will have the right to defer paying during their lifetime.
  • People will have clearer entitlements. A national minimum eligibility will make access to care more consistent around the country, and carers will have a legal right to an assessment for care for the first time.

The Government will legislate for these proposals. Subject to the passage of legislation, the changes above will take effect from April 2017 and will provide people with a new legal right to financial protection from very high care costs, from the state, which has not existed previously.

For further information on the reforms visit or read the policy statement at