New resources for VCS working with new health structures

Regional Voices, the partnership of nine regional networks, including One East Midlands, is producing a suite of resources to support the VCS work with new structures in the health and care landscape to promote the welfare of the communities the sector serves. 

These resources include a new briefing describing to health and wellbeing boards what the VCS can do for them, including providing access to community voices that may be difficult to reach and its expertise as a provider to help shape pathway and service development, and how best to engage with the VCS and the communities they serve. 

The briefing for health and wellbeing boards about working with the VCS, available to download at, describes the value of and mechanisms for health and wellbeing boards to work closely with the VCS and discusses different ways of working with the voluntary sector to access its expertise and networks.

The briefing complements the briefing Regional Voices published in February, giving the VCS an overview of how to work with health and wellbeing boards to share knowledge of local issues, assets and needs to influence commissioning. The briefing about health and wellbeing boards for the VCS is available to download at

Further resources on working with health and wellbeing boards, JSNA and JHWS are available to download at

If your organisation has produced resources to support input into JSNAs and health and wellbeing boards email and to signpost your resources on the One East Midlands and Regional Voices websites.