Power of Partnerships

Social Enterprise UK’s Health Commissioning Improvement Programme aimed to support new clinical commissioning groups to develop constructive and productive partnerships with VCSE by demonstrating the importance of partnership work, for an area’s ability to develop effective health care in the emerging health environment.

As part of the programme, The Power of Partnerships resource has been developed, using the learning from the pilot and real experiences to offer practical tools and support to CCGs, HWBs and VCSE organisations to develop effective partnerships to deliver better health care. 

The resource aims to help people working in health think differently, more creatively and more practically than ever before, about the opportunities they have to meet changing health needs in difficult economic times.

To download the free resource visit www.socialenterprise.org.uk/uploads/editor/files/SUK01_PartnershipToolkit_Online_R1.pdf.

For further information on the Health Commissioners Improvement Programme visit www.socialenterprise.org.uk/about/about-us/our-programmes/health-commissioning-programme#bhp.