Resources to support developing local Healthwatch

Local Healthwatch gives communities a stronger voice by influencing and challenging how health and social care services are delivered as well as providing or signposting people to information to help them make choices about health and care services.

To be an effective voice for communities, local Healthwatch organisations need to collaborate closely with the VCS. Regional Voices, the partnership of nine regional networks including One East Midlands, has published resources to support the development of Healthwatch and in particular to promote involvement with the voluntary and community sector, and the communities it works with. The newest resources are a result of work with the Local Government Association and three of the other nine regional networks, Involve Yorkshire and Humber, VONNE and VSNW.

  • The VCS - a Key Partner in Local Healthwatch - A resource that looks at the six functions of local Healthwatch and gives recommendations about what added value organisations can bring to local Healthwatch.
  • An Overview of Healthwatch - for the Voluntary Sector – A resource based on VSNW's experience of working with the Transition Alliance.
  • What Makes a Great Healthwatch? – A resource based on work in the North East with twelve developing Healthwatches resulted in this resource to help the new organisations become great organisations.

On the Regional Voices' website at there are many other resources for developing Healthwatch including Healthwatch Design Event reports and Healthwatch Communities Involved resources (to support outreach to new volunteers).