Ring fenced public health grants to local authorities

The Department of Health has published that ring fenced grants for 2013-14 and 2014-15 provide local authorities with £2.66 billion and £2.79 billion to spend on public health services for their local populations.

Average growth of 5.5% has been provided in 2013-14 and 5.0% in 2014-15, and a significant number will see growth of 10% in each year, representing a major investment in health and the prevention of illness.

The grant conditions and reporting arrangements that will apply to the grant from April 2013 have also been published.

Upper tier and unitary local authorities will, from April 2013, have a duty to take appropriate steps to improve the health of their population, funded through a ring-fenced grant. Local authorities will take the lead for improving the health of their local population and reducing health inequalities.

For further information, including a table breaking down the ring fenced grants by local authority, visit www.gov.uk/government/publications/ring-fenced-public-health-grants-to-local-authorities-2013-14-and-2014-15