Healthy Lives, Healthy People

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out changes to the public health system, including ensuring that the public health system continues to have a highly skilled and motivated workforce across the three domains of public health, health protection, health promotion and healthcare public health.

A summary of responses to the Healthy Lives, Healthy People consultation, which ran from 27 March to 29 June 2012, is available online at

The Healthy Lives, Healthy People public workforce strategy has also been published, which sets out actions for various partners in the new public health system to support and develop the public health workforce.

The strategy aims to help embed public health capacity within the wider workforce to support delivery of the public health outcomes framework.

The commitments laid out within the strategy, which will be reviewed in 2015, will be delivered by a range of organisations including Public Health England, the Department of Health, Health Education England and local authorities.

To download the strategy visit