Champion for adult social work

Adult social care users and practitioners have a new champion following the appointment of Lyn Romeo as Chief Social Worker for Adults by Minister for Care and Support, Norman Lamb.

The new Chief Social Worker for Adults will help to improve the quality of care across adult services and act as a champion for those who receive services and the professionals who work in the sector.

They will also work closely with a Chief Social Worker for Children, who will be announced shortly.

Together they will lead social workers in protecting the safety and welfare of the most vulnerable in society and make sure the views of social workers are heard at the highest levels of Government.

They will also advise Health and Education ministers on how best to improve standards in social work, looking at areas like training and professional development, and will explore how social workers can best work with leaders of other professions to give the best possible services.

Lyn Romero is currently Assistant Director of Adult Social Care and Joint Commissioning at the London Borough of Camden. She has over 35 years experience of social work practice, both as a frontline social worker and at management level in organisations delivering social work and social care services.