National Personal Budget Survey

The results of the second National Personal Budget Survey, carried out in conjunction with Think Local Action Personal, have been published.

Over 3,000 personal budget holders and their carers from 22 council areas took part in the survey, which shows a largely positive impact of personal budgets in most people’s lives.

The key findings of the survey included:

  • Over 70 percent of people who hold a personal budget reported a positive impact on being independent, getting the support they need and want and being supported with dignity.
  • Over 60 percent reported a positive impact on physical health, mental wellbeing and control over their support.
  • A further 50 percent reported a positive impact on feeling safe in and outside their home, and in their relationships with paid supporters.
  • The survey found only small numbers of people reporting any negative impact.

A copy of the full report, together with a summary document, blog post and presentation, are available at

In addition the results of a separate survey, on the experiences of 195 people who hold a personal health budget and their carers, have been published at The survey respondents reported similar positive results as those with social care personal budgets.