Other health newsletters & e-alerts

Skills for Care work to ensure the adult social care sector has a modern, flexible and highly skilled workforce to deliver quality care. They are committed to working with employers and other key stakeholders to ensure they are supporting their needs and those of people who use services and carers. Their latest newsletter is available at www.skillsforcare.org.uk/news/newsletters/30_May_2013.aspx.

Skills for Care also produced a special edition of their newsletter supporting Dementia Awareness Week, which is led by the Alzheimer's Society and aims to raise awareness and understanding of dementia and to get people to 'remember the person' behind the dementia. The newsletter is available at www.skillsforcare.org.uk/news/newsletters/dementia_special.aspx.

The first issue of the PHE bulletin, the new regular publication for Public Health England stakeholders has been published online at www.gov.uk/government/publications/phe-bulletin-30-april-2013. The bulletin aims to provide public health news and information to interested in the work of Public Health England. Highlights of the first issue include Public Health England’s marketing plans, public health responsibilities in the NHS Constitution, PHE’s annual conference and the new service level agreement between PHE and the Care Quality Commission, plus PHE’s organisational structure, centres and regions.

Duncan Selbie, Public Health England Chief Executive produces a weekly bulletin for PHE staff and stakeholders. To view the current and archive issues visit www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england/series/duncan-selbies-friday-messages.