Local health and social care volunteering fund 2013

The Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF) has launched its 2013 local grant and capacity building scheme and would like to encourage small voluntary sector organisations, working with hard to reach groups to apply. 

The Fund, which aims to improve the voluntary sector’s potential in the health, public health and social care landscape by helping them to become more sustainable, is likely to fund about 40 organisations across England, for more than a year and up to a maximum of £50,000.

For further information about the fund, watch an animation at www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0cKTbh83cE&list=UUU3-mNGTSRIVbqVhBXIF4aQ&index=1 or visit www.volunteeringfund.com, telephone

0845 172 8058 or email volunteeringfund@uk.ecorys.com.

To register your interest in the scheme online visit www.volunteeringfund.com/node/18?utm_source=Linx+285+-+27+June&utm_campaign=linx285&utm_medium=email before Friday 19 July.

After registering online the deadline for applications is Wednesday 31 July.