NHS pricing and incentives engagement workshop – 9 July, Leicester

From 2014/15, NHS England and Monitor will have joint responsibility for the payment system for NHS funded care. Their partnership is relatively new, but they have been working together over the past year to understand how the payment system shapes NHS care and how we may develop it over time. At the same time, NHS England is undertaking a review of its incentives, rewards and sanctions, to ensure these align with the payment system and support continuous improvement in quality.

As part of this work, they are jointly holding full-day interactive workshops, including one in Leicester on 9 July from 10am to 4pm, to get your views on their proposals for change.
The workshops are primarily aimed at commissioners and providers of NHS funded care and offer you an opportunity to learn in more detail about their:

  • proposed changes to the tariff for 2014/15;
  • possible improvements to the regime of incentives and sanctions in the contract and system business rules for 2014/15 and;
  • longer-term vision and principles for pricing and the tariff for 2015/16 onwards.

The workshop will offer you an opportunity to:

  • directly influence the direction of the proposed changes;
  • learn how the proposed changes will directly affect you and  your organisation and;
  • discuss openly with peers the issues you feel need addressing in relation to pricing and incentives.

The event is primarily aimed at:

  • directors of commissioning, directors of finance and accountable officers from commissioning organisations such as CCGs, CSUs and Area Teams, or their deputies;
  • clinical and finance directors from NHS Foundation Trusts, NHS Trusts and the independent, voluntary and private sectors, or their deputies.

They will send out information packs to delegates in advance of the workshops. In the meantime, they would encourage you to read our joint consultation document, How can the NHS payment system do more for patients?, available at  www.monitor-nhsft.gov.uk/home/news-events-publications/our-publications/browse-category/guidance-health-care-providers-and-co-34.

To register your interest in attending the event visit www.eventbrite.com/event/6558407373/eorg#.

For further information about the event contact Madeleine Elder at madeleine.elder@monitor.gov.uk or on 0207 340 2484.