Understanding and Using Skilled for Health - Leicester

Taking place on Wednesday 10 July or Tuesday 10 September in Leicester, Understanding and using Skilled for Health is a one day workshop providing an introduction to their national Health Literacy embedded learning resources.

Costing £85 per person the workshop is aimed at experienced trainers and will show participants how to use the resources in their work. It will include practical sessions on planning and delivering Skilled for Health.

This training is relevant to all practitioners who are delivering or who wish to deliver interventions in the community which tackle health inequalities and improve skills. The objectives for the workshop are:

  • To provide information and activities which will help participants understand the aims of Skilled for Health and the issues faced by people who participate in it
  • To familiarise participants with the national Skilled for Health learning resources and to reflect on how they could be delivered.

For further information and to book email Janet Solla at janet.solla@chlfoundation.org.uk. The deadline for booking on to the the July course is 12 noon on 1 July.

For further information on the Skills for Health resources visit www.chlfoundation.org.uk/resources.htm.