Working together to deliver the Mandate

The King’s Fund has published, Working together to deliver the Mandate, a report on strengthening partnerships between the NHS and the voluntary sector.

NHS and voluntary sector providers have a key role to play in delivering the priorities set out in the NHS Mandate, alongside commissioners and others in the wider health and care system. Some emergent and innovative local partnerships are already achieving impressive results in delivering high-quality, person-centred care – often producing significant cost savings too. But much more can be done.

The report, commissioned by the Foundation Trust Network and the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations, pulls together a wide range of innovative partnerships and projects between health trusts and voluntary sector providers across the country to consider how the barriers to effective partnership working can be overcome.

Drawing on these innovations as well as discussions at a roundtable event hosted by The King’s Fund, it presents recommendations addressed to different parts of the health and care system so that each can play their part in supporting trusts and voluntary sector providers to work together more effectively to deliver the Mandate.

For further information and to download the report visit