2014 GSK IMPACT Awards

The 2014 GSK IMPACT Awards, open for applications until 5pm on Friday 20 September 2013, are designed to reward charities doing excellent work to improve people's health.

Applicant organisations must be at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with income between £25,000 and £2 million. Up to 20 awards will be made ranging from £3,000 to £40,000 plus free training valued at £4,000.

Award winners will also be offered two free places on the GSK IMPACT Awards training programme and be invited to join the GSK IMPACT Awards Development Network, which connects past GSK IMPACT Award winners, both online and at meetings held across the UK, allowing them to get and give support, share best practice and continue their professional development.

The awards will provide organisations with an important quality mark, with winning organisations being visited by a photographer, have a professional film made about their work and will receive support with press and publicity.

The GSK IMPACT winners will be presented with their awards at a high profile ceremony at the Science Museum in London in May 2014.

For further information on the awards, including to apply online, visit www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/gsk-impact-awards.