GPs need greater awareness of VCS services

GPs and commissioners need greater clarity about what the VCS can offer in the new health and social care commissioning environment, according to a new report by the Third Sector Research Centre. 

The report is based on an evaluation of a pilot project to develop positive relationships between VCS organisations, commissioners and NHS practitioners. It demonstrates that intermediary support is needed to broker effective relationships between these groups.

The pilot project identified misconceptions amongst GPs about the professionalism of many VCS organisations, and the fact that many of their services are delivered by paid staff. It highlighted the need for communication and relationship building to establish trust and raise awareness of the services that voluntary organisations offer, and the benefits they can provide for patient outcomes. 

The evaluation suggests that intermediaries can play an important part in communicating these benefits to GP practices, but must be able to command the respect of clinicians, speak their language and understand their operating environment.  

The research also highlighted the need for clarity from commissioners toward voluntary sector organisations. VCS organisations need to know what opportunities exist to engage in the new commissioning regime, at what level or scale services will be commissioned, and how they will be funded. It is important that commissioners and government bodies do not expect the VCS to provide free services.

To download the research report entitled Clarity, communication and reciprocity: key ingredients for productive relationships with VCS organisations in the new health and social care commissioning environment, written by Heather Buckingham of the Third Sector Research Centre, visit

The report was based on the evaluation of a pilot project commissioned by Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group to support the development of productive relationships between the VCS, the Clinical Commissioning Group and General Practitioners. Two local VCS infrastructure organisations were commissioned to deliver the project.