National Call for Primary Care Linkage models

The Mental Health Providers Forum (MHPF) is issuing a call for good practice so they can begin to identify where pockets of good practice and innovative concepts are emerging around the country. They then hope to investigate and further examine 10-12 of these emerging sites with the help of interviews and service user consultancy panels.

MHPF lead a strategic collaboration of not for profit Mental Health organisations including the Centre for Mental Health, The Mental Health Foundation, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness and Afiya.

Together with other not for profit partners, they link strategically with the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England undertaking specific agreed work programmes aimed to benefit the strategic development of the not for profit mental health sector.

This year one of the areas they are exploring is examples that demonstrate better integration of care. In keeping with key areas outlined in the “No Health Without Mental Health” strategy and the current priorities of both NHS England and Public Health England, to address the need for greater parity of esteem between physical care and mental health care, they are particularly focusing on Primary Care Liaison, Navigation and Linkage models.

Nationally there is a move for people to be better supported through Primary Care and stronger community based support. In this way issues are addressed at an earlier stage and admission to secondary care and support is less often necessary. This is an opportunity for not for profit mental health care providers to develop new and innovative, locally appropriate community services that link better with GP surgeries and support.

To submit an example of good practice or an innovative concept email with the following details:

  • Name, organisation and contact details of referrer
  • Name of project or service being profiled
  • Main contact for project
  • How many organisations are involved?
  • What does it do or hope to do?
  • What makes it special?
  • Main features or qualities.