Making Britain the best country in the world to grow old

The Secretary of State for the Department of Health, Jeremy Hunt, has launched a period of engagement around plans to improve care for vulnerable older people.

The department’s vision is for an NHS that serves the needs of the generation of people who helped to create it, as well as generations to come, and helps make Britain the best place in the world to grow old. Achieving this vision will mean focusing on improving care for the most vulnerable, particularly the frail elderly. They believe that if they can deliver excellent care for them, it will help them get it right for everyone.

The Department is engaging on proposals focusing on providing a more integrated out-of-hospital service to address all of a person’s needs. They are proposing a stronger role for general practice, building on its existing strengths and the values of the family doctor, with new and effective ways to provide improved access and support for people to manage their own care, and proactive case management for the most vulnerable elderly people.

The proposals online and responds can express their views through the website at, but the Department also want to encourage face to face discussion with individuals and organisations who, collectively, have a stake in the future care and happiness of our elderly citizens.

As part of the engagement over the summer, they are hosting national events to hear your views on the proposals. These will feed directly into the development of the proposals, ahead of the publication of the plan in the autumn.

These free half day events, to be hosted in Manchester on Thursday 5 September and London on Wednesday 11 September, will feature speakers including Ministers, prominent leaders in health, social care and the voluntary sector, frontline practitioners, patients and the public. There will be opportunities to participate in breakout sessions to discuss the big issues, and Q&A sessions with our guest speakers.

To book onto the Manchester event visit or to book onto the London event visit