Accessible information in the NHS

The Public Voice Team is working on a project to develop and implement an Information Standard around accessible information for the NHS.

An Information Standard is a framework of requirements and recommendations to which health and social care organisations must have regard. Once implemented, this Information Standard will mean that disabled service users and, where appropriate, carers, receive information in languages and formats that they can understand, and appropriate support to enable them to communicate, which may include advocacy.

The Public Voice Team are committed to engage with individuals and organisations who will be affected by this work, to ensure that the views of patients, carers and the public shape its development and implementation. They are also keen to understand the challenges people with sensory impairment and / or learning disabilities face when trying to communicate with health and care organisations, and to learn from examples of good practice in this area from across the country.

They will be starting a period of engagement in September 2013, when they will be proactively seeking views from a wide range of partners and stakeholders.

For further information about Information Standards visit