Business for Health

Business for Health is a free training and business support programme, which aims to assist existing and potential third sector supplies to identify business opportunities in the growing health and social care market place and to gear up to respond.

The market for health and social care services is changing and the third sector has the potential to reap significant benefits. To support the sector to engage with this expanding market Nottingham City Council are funding this new programme to develop community focused organisations to deliver health and wellbeing services.

Led by Hostels Liaison Group and delivered by a local consortium of charities, Business for Health will aim to support third sector organisations to:

  • Win more business through public sector contracts or directly with citizens who require care services
  • Better understand the market opportunities
  • Operate in a more commercial manner
  • Be able to compete more effectively with private and public sector providers.

Offering a tailored programme, Business for Health will support suppliers on their journey to become fit for business regardless of organisation size, turnover and levels of business understanding and experience.

To express your interest in the programme, which will run until March 2014, email with your name, organisation, telephone number and email address and which topics from the list below are of most interested.

  • Business planning
  • Costing and pricing, including full cost recovery models
  • Personalisation, including personal budgets
  • Marketing and promotion of services
  • Measuring and demonstrating impact
  • Partnership and coalition development
  • Relationship building with commissioners and stakeholders.