Joint Voluntary Sector Learning Event on Mental health and Wellbeing – Thursday 31 October

The Department of Health, Public Health England, NHS England and Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partners invite VCS colleagues to a free joint learning event for the sector on Mental Health and Wellbeing on Thursday 31 October from 10am to 4.15pm at the Coin Neighbourhood Centre, London.

The programme is being developed by the Mental Health Providers Forum in partnership with DH, PHE and NHS England.

As understanding and community awareness grows about the fact that one in four people experience at some point in their lives debilitating mental ill health, greater importance is being placed on good mental health. 

The partners hope to use this learning event to break down any remaining myths and stigma surrounding mental illness, and to discuss mental health as an important and equal component in whole person care and wellbeing.

They also want to address the importance of further development and growth in innovation for the not for profit sector, in order to meet an array of needs, as people are actively moving away from secondary care support into less formal and more community focussed service settings.

Organisations and partnerships coming from different sectors and areas of specialism, working together to create support around people is vital as our health and social care system is transformed.

This learning event is an opportunity for you to bring your own thoughts and ideas about how mental health and wellbeing impact on your own services and organisations, and how we can usefully work together to create better support and care. As well as some key updates on national mental health developments, your input through world café sessions will help shape the way that we can all work together more cohesively, to create more person centred practice.

To register for this free event visit