Public Health 2013 Conference – Friday 11 October, London

The second national Public Health Conference and Exhibition is taking place at Brewery Conference Centre, London, on Friday 11 October, with a limited number of free places available for the third sector and public sector.

On 30 November 2010, the Department of Health published the White Paper, ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our Strategy for Public Health in England’, setting out a bold vision of a reformed public health system in England. The White Paper responded directly to challenging statistics, such as two out of three adults being either overweight or obese, and was followed in July 2011 by ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Update and way forward’. This outlined progress to date, and tackled concerns over modernisation, while setting out how the reformed public health system would function.

23 January 2012 saw the publication of the ‘Public Health Outcomes Framework’, outlining 66 health measures, with local authorities being paid a new health premium for the progress they make against indicators such as:

  • Fewer children under five will have tooth decay;
  • People will weigh less;
  • More women will breastfeed their babies;
  • Fewer over 65s will suffer falls;
  • Fewer people will smoke; and
  • Fewer people will die from heart disease and stroke.

These measures were followed by the Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt’s announcement of 10 January 2013, which detailed the 2013-14 and 2014-15 ring-fenced grants to local authorities for their public health responsibilities.

Organised by Govtoday, the National Public Health Conference will discuss the funding issues raised, review the progress six months on, and examine if the radical reshaping of service landscape has affected the services on the front line. Can the latest policy directions outlined in ‘Improving outcomes and supporting transparency’, the public health outcomes framework for England 2013-16, work without having a detrimental effect on the people of the UK?

To apply for your funded place email quoting ref RV5

For further information on the event visit