Transforming Participation in Health and Care

On Wednesday 25 September, Sir David Nicholson, Chief Executive of NHS England, launched Transforming Participation in Health and Care, NHS England's statutory guidance for commissioners both in CCGs and NHS England.

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 places duties on CCGs and NHS commissioners, around the participation of patients in decisions about their own care and supporting the participation of local communities in decision-making.

NHS England’s aim in producing Transforming Participation in Health and Care is to showcase the range of options which commissioners can use to ensure that patients can be active in their own healthcare and to ensure that the services they commission meet the wants and needs of the local population including tools, resources and suggested action plans.

They recognise and support the fact that commissioners, through the different options, can and should tailor their approach to the individuals and groups within their populations and hope that the guidance will stimulate discussion about how CCGs and all NHS commissioners can develop their own strategies.

Transforming Participation in Health and Care is a starting point and NHS England will be working with partners to develop further resources to support commissioners to develop their approaches to both individual and public participation.

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The NHS Commissioning Assembly Partnerships and Participation Working Group has worked with NHS England in developing this guidance and will be working with NHS England and partners to lead and support its implementation.