Recruitment of patient and public voice representatives

The Patient Safety team in NHS England are recruiting a number of patient and public voice (PPV) representatives to sit on six Patient Safety Expert Groups and on the national Patient Safety Steering Group.

The six Expert Groups cover the following areas:

  • Children and Young People;
  • Medical Specialties;
  • Mental Health;
  • Primary Care;
  • Surgical Services; and
  • Women’s Health

The Expert Groups have been established by NHS England to provide senior clinical advice to the commissioning system, support NHS England’s priorities in patient safety and lead on the development and dissemination of advice and guidance for both commissioners and providers.

Membership of the groups will be multi-stakeholder and include representation from relevant colleges and associations in England, patient and public voice representatives, and a representative CCG. 

PPV members will play a key role in bringing a patient and public perspective to the discussions, and will ensure that there is a strong patient and public voice in both identifying priority safety issues and any subsequent development work.

The Patient safety Steering Group provides an overarching framework to the Patient Safety Expert Groups and will:

  • Provide oversight of and an accountability framework for the work of the Patient Safety Expert Groups;
  • Ensure effective alignment of activity between the whole commissioning system and NHS England’s Patient Safety Expert Groups;
  • Consider and approve proposed activity to be undertaken as identified by the Patient Safety Expert Groups; and
  • Promote collaborative working and consistency in activities between the Patient Safety Expert Groups.

Applicants to become PPV representatives will need to demonstrate an interest in patient safety or any of the specialties listed above. They will also need to demonstrate experience of championing patient and public voice in similar forums and will have the confidence to be able to engage in strategic discussions with a senior group of stakeholders.

For further information and to request an application form email

The closing date for applications is Monday 2 December. Interviews for the national Patient Safety Steering group only will be held on Thursday 9 January 2014.