Cold Weather Plan 2013

Public Health England has published the Cold Weather Plan for England for 2013, which aims to prevent avoidable harm to health, by alerting people to the negative health effects of cold weather, and enabling them to prepare and respond appropriately.

The Plan, developed in partnership with NHS England, the Local Government Association and the Met Office, sets out a series of actions to be taken by the NHS, social care and other agencies throughout the year, and in response to forecast or actual severe winter weather.

To support the Cold Weather Plan, the Met Office will issue Cold Weather Alerts from 1 November 2013 to 31 March 2014.

To download the plan visit

The Warm Homes, Healthy People fund 2012-13 was established to support the aims of the Cold Weather Plan. This report identifies the benefits of interventions targeted at people through the fund who may be more vulnerable to the effects of cold housing.

For further information visit

To download the full evaluation report visit