S. Business planning


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When developing any new activity you should develop a business plan. You may want to completely revise your whole organisation’s business plan to ensure that your new activity is an integral part of the organisation’s plans or you can start by developing a business plan just for your new activity or trading development.

There is plenty of information on developing a business plan and support that you can access. Your business plan will take into consideration and include many other sections in this resource.


Links and Tools
Website IconBook IconWorksheet IconBasic Icon

Business plan test Testing your business plan before you make it public. Page 22 Tool 2.6 – (Finance Hub)

Website IconIntermediate Icon

A guide to writing your business plan’   (Enterprise Solutions Northamptonshire)

Website IconBook IconIntermediate Icon

Writing a Business Plan - understanding business plans and how to use them (gov.uk)

Website IconIntermediate Icon

Guide to writing your finance plan’   (Enterprise Solutions Northamptonshire)

Case studies
Guide IconBasic Icon Release - importance of business planning
Guide IconBasic Icon Stonebridge City Farm - importance of business planning
Guide IconBasic Icon Community Enterprise Derby - improtance of business planning

Basic Basic Icon Intermediate Intermediate Icon
Advanced Advanced Icon Book Book Icon
Website or download Website Icon Worksheet Worksheet Icon
Information/guide alone Guide Icon Training Training Icon