Adult safeguarding boards: VCS reps - information required

Through One East Midlands’ work with ADASS East Midlands an opportunity has arisen for the VCS to become involved in a time limited working group to develop a series of indicators that can be used at regional level to assess performance of local safeguarding functions.

The purpose of this exercise is to flag up any potential underperformance early and ensure that support is put in place before systematic failure occurs. The result of this should be that all performance on adult safeguarding is improved across the region, with no localities seen as ‘at risk’.

Cath Roth, the Derby City DASS, is leading this work but is keen to ensure that this is not only local authority led. Cath wants to include ideas and perspectives from other relevant sector on what indicators of underperformance would be.

One East Midlands is not sufficiently engaged in this agenda to provide meaningful input. However, if there are VCS representatives currently engaged in Adult Safeguarding Boards at local level then this would be an ideal opportunity for them to shape and influence. Once in place this structure will not only monitor performance but also actively share good practice. 

In the first instance could you please let me know which VCOs engage with / sit on the Adult Safeguarding Board in your patch and who the lead representative is?

If you are interested in taking up this time-limited role I would also be interested in hearing from you.

The next meeting of this group is due to be on Monday 16 December at the Headquarters of East Midlands Ambulance Service, Beechdale Road, Nottingham.

Please respond by email to