Making health and social care information accessible

NHS England has commenced a programme of work to develop and implement an Information Standard, a framework of requirements and recommendations which NHS and adult social care organisations must follow, for accessible information.

Once implemented, this Information Standard will mean that disabled patients, service users and, where appropriate, carers, receive information in formats that they can understand, and that they receive appropriate support to enable them to communicate, which may include advocacy.

A dedicated webpage on the NHS England website has been created at, where all information about this work, and details of engagement activities, will be hosted.

NHS England are committed to undertaking effective engagement at this early stage to ensure that their work is shaped by patients, carers, service users, clinicians and other health and care professionals, commissioners and providers of health and social care, and the public.

This activity will be particularly targeted at understanding the views of people from the communities who are likely to be most affected, including people who are d/Deaf or have some hearing loss, blind or have some visual loss, people who are deafblind, and / or people with a learning disability, as well as from carers.

The views of individuals and groups working with people from these communities, and from others who will be affected by or required to implement the standard, will also be particularly valuable. They are also keen to understand the challenges people with sensory impairment(s) and / or learning disabilities face when trying to communicate with health and care organisations, and we want to learn from examples of good practice in this area from across the country.

NHS England is currently planning engagement activities, which will be published on the dedicated webpage, with the opportunity for comment continuing into the New Year.

For further information about Information Standards visit

For specific queries regarding the Information Standard email