Launch of Regional Innovation Fund

A Regional Innovation Fund of £5million is available this year to support and promote the adoption of innovation and the spread of best practice across the NHS.

All allocations made through the fund will be allocated by NHS England in December 2013. The fund is open to NHS England, as well as the NHS and Academic Health Science Networks. Allocations made through the fund will seek to deliver significant improvements in quality and efficiency in the NHS through innovation.

Bids can be developed alone, or through collaboration with other partners including providers, local government, the VCS, private healthcare and industry.

The fund presents an important opportunity to facilitate fresh perspectives or partnerships, bringing in different types of expertise or capacity to support the adoption of current innovations or the development of new ideas.

Applications should support:

  • The spread and adoption of current innovations promoted within the NHS and NHS England; or
  • The development or adoption of new ideas.

To manage the application process and award of funding, an Independent Clinical Panel, to be chaired by Miles Ayling, Director of Innovation, NHS England, will be put in place to assess proposals. The Panel will convene during the second week in December 2013.

The closing date for submitting applications is 5pm on Friday 6 December. All awards made through the fund will be allocated by the end of December 2013.

For more information on the competition process and to access the application form and guidance, visit the NHS England’s Innovation web-portal at

You will need to register with the website in order to access the competition information. Once you are logged in, go to the Funding for Innovation page and click on the RIF link. Once registered, you will receive an email with a verification pin.

If you have any queries or questions in regards to the fund contact Phil Thomas, Innovation Manager at NHS England at or on 07900 715284.