Building a database of PPI contacts for the EMAHSN and partners

In the summer of 2013, the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network (EMAHSN) was formed to bring together communities, the NHS, industry and universities in a shared effort to improve the identification, adoption and spread of innovative healthcare.

A major part of this work is to involve patients and the public in everything that is done. EMAHSN has teamed up with other healthcare organisations in the East Midlands to create more opportunities for patients, service users, carers and members of the public to get involved in health research and the way in which health services are organised and healthcare is delivered.

If they are to involve everyone, they need a distribution list so they can ask for your views and share information effectively.

If you live or work in the East Midlands and are interested in patient and public involvement, register your details by answering the questions in the online survey at

Those who sign up to the distribution list will receive information on:

  • How the Public Involvement agenda is developing in the East Midlands;
  • Opportunities to be involved, such as conferences, feedback meetings and invitations to advise or participate in research studies; and
  • News about improvements in healthcare, findings from research and innovative things being done around the East Midlands.

If you requires the survey in another format email

For further information about EMAHSN visit