VCS engagement with CCGs

Compact Voice has produced a briefing on how voluntary organisations can engage with Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) alongside their guide to Understanding Commissioning and Procurement.

The Compact and Clinical Commissioning Groups, which provides an overview of what the Compact is, what local Compacts are and why CCGs should engage with their local Compact, can be downloaded at

CCGs using their local Compact sends a strong message that they are willing to strengthen relationships with local voluntary organisations.

Understanding Commissioning and Procurement: A Guide for Local Compacts can be downloaded at

The guide includes guidance on what the commissioning cycle looks like; how and when Compact groups and voluntary organisations can engage with commissioners and what the challenges are; a practical action list for Compact groups and any voluntary organisations seeking to work with commissioners; and a glossary of terms.

Compact Voice has also worked with Regional Voices and Healthwatch England to produce guidance on Maintaining the Independence of Local Healthwatch, which can be downloaded at

The guidance stresses the importance of independence and local Healthwatch, maintaining a 'critical friend' approach with funders, and provides an overview of the tools available to ensure independence is upheld.