NHS England Excellence in Participation Awards 2014

The NHS England Excellence in Participation Awards 2014 recognise and celebrating good practice in participation within the NHS and to acknowledge and applaud the immense and on-going contribution of individual patients, service users, carers, families and the public in supporting and shaping the work of the NHS.

The award categories are:

  • Excellence in Public Participation – Provider Award
  • Excellence in Public Participation – Commissioner Award
  • Excellence in Individual Participation – Provider Award
  • Excellence in Individual Participation – Commissioner Award
  • Excellence in Participation to Achieve Insight and Feedback – Provider Award
  • Excellence in Participation to Achieve Insight and Feedback – Commissioner Award
  • Children and Young People’s Award for Excellence in Participation
  • Excellence in Promoting Volunteering Award
  • Participant of the Year Award.

For further information and to apply online for the awards, which close for applications at 9am on Monday 20 January, visit www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/patients/exc-part-awrds.

Winners will be announced on Monday 3 March at the Health Innovation EXPO 2014, which this year is being held at the Manchester Central Exhibition and Conference Centre on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 March.