Narrative, Story Sharing and Disclosure: Learning from Peer Support

This event, taking place on Monday 27 January from 9.30am to 4.30pm at the Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham NG7 2TU, is aimed at those from health and social care organisations who want to develop their thinking around using narratives at work.

In recent years the use of narratives has been developed across a range of disciplines, including medicine, psychiatry and social work. Alongside this is the introduction of peer support working, a key recommendation for implementing recovery in mental health service provision and across the long term conditions agenda.

Delegates attending the event will:

  • Consider the practical uses of narratives in supporting others;
  • Receive information about the implementation of peer support;
  • Learn story sharing techniques used by social workers;
  • Reflect on the ethics and values of story sharing;
  • Reflect on the boundaries of what and how much to share; and
  • Understand the challenges of disclosure for a range of people.

The event will be facilitated by Karen Machin, Specialist Peer Trainer, Institute of Mental Health, and Emma Watson, Peer Support Worker, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.

The cost of the event is £85 for waged individuals, £40 for full time students and £30 for unwaged individuals. Lunch will not be provided.

To apply to attend download the registration form at and return it by email to