Joint Learning Event on Health and Housing

The Race Equality Foundation, FaithAction and the National Housing Federation, in collaboration with the Department of Health Public Health England and NHS England, will be holding a free learning event aimed at addressing health inequalities through better housing on Thursday 30 January in London.

At the event, the Race Equality Foundation will also be launching their Better Housing briefing 24, entitled The Housing Conditions of Minority Ethnic Households in England. For further information on the series of briefings visit

The event will:

  • Highlight examples of good practice in promoting equality and addressing health inequalities in the provision housing;
  • Provide an opportunity for seldom heard voices, including those of tenants, to participate in identifying good practice and agreeing action;
  • Identify action and learning that can be taken forward by delegates to improve partnerships and address health inequalities with housing providers at local level;
  • Identify lessons that can be shared with the sector and inform national policy and practice; and
  • Explore what else can be done to ensure housing providers can work within new health and social care structures to play their part in reducing health inequalities and delivering equality.

To book onto the event visit

For further information email