Prime Minister's Challenge Fund project

In October 2013, the Prime Minister announced that there would be a new £50million Challenge Fund to help improve access to general practice and stimulate innovative ways of providing primary care services. 

The Challenge Fund will support at least nine pilots covering up to half a million patients, with at least one in each region of England to support spread of innovation. This will include extended opening hours, greater use of web-based and mobile technology, and joining up urgent and out-of-hours care.

The Government has asked NHS England to lead the process of inviting expressions of interest and overseeing the pilot schemes. The project is now live and expressions of interest are being sought on a national basis.

NHS England are keen to ensure they have representation from patient groups on the assessment panel. 

They have developed a detailed timeline for this project and the assessment panel will need to assess applications in the first two weeks of March, with two times two hour assessment meetings taking place on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 March.

If you are interested in being involved email Kate Tattershall at