Integration; personalisation and quality in health and social care: the role and impact of volunteering and social action

The ACDG Sub-national Group for the North is hosting a free event on Thursday 13 February in Leeds to bring together local authority, CCG and VCS colleagues to consider how volunteering can contribute to the delivery of integrated, high quality and safe and personalised care and health services.

The Department of Health’s Active Communities Development Group (ACDG) brings together key partners from volunteer involving and health and social care sectors concerned with the promotion and development of best practice to meet the challenges and demands of health and social care economy in the 21st century. The group also has a direct line to feed into the Department of Health’s overarching group, chaired by Brian Walsh, which ultimately reports to the Minister for Care Services.

The free event will include workshops highlighting best operational practice from a range of organisations delivering health and care services across the North of England, as well as the following speakers:

  • Becca Spavin, Voluntary Sector Partnerships Lead, Department of Health
  • Jane South , Professor of Healthy Communities at the Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Leeds Metropolitan University
  • Joan Beck, Director of Adults and Communities, Doncaster Council
  • Duncan Tree, Head of Policy, CSV

To book a place visit and use the password “ACDG”.