One in 11 charities late filing financial documents

One in 11 charities, which must file accounts with the Charity Commission, are currently late submitting financial information, according to the Commission register.

Just under 61,000 charities have an income over £25,000 and must file annual accounts with the Commission. Of these, 5,334 are listed as in default.

The register lists 6,503 charities with an income over £1million, of which 260, around one in 25, are in default. Thirteen of those charities have an income over £10million.

The end of January was the deadline to file information for the majority of charities, which end their financial year in March. The Commission has now updated its register to reflect charities which missed that deadline.

Charities which are no longer operational remain on the register until they have completed a winding up process, which in the case of large charities can take several years.
